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Interview in "Un Café con Antonio", LGN Medios (in Spanish). 

06 February 2023.











Interview in “La radio del somormujo” (in Spanish), a radio program about ornithology (min 39).

8 December 2022.











Compilation of 33 media contributions about our work published in STOTEN "Will climate change affect the survival of tropical and subtropical species? Predictions based on Bulwer's petrel populations in the NE Atlantic Ocean"

September 2022.













Interview during the Ornitological Days of the Spanish Society of Ornitology, about the use of seabirds as sentinels of the state of the marine ecosystem, based in my research experience (in Spanish). Min 1:49-13:00.

Organized by the Spanish Society of Ornitology.

18 November 2021.













#60SecondSeabirds presenting our article "Sex-specific costs of reproduction on survival in a long-lived seabird(in Spanish/English).

Organized by the World Seabird Union.

15 April 2021.













Interview in “La radio del somormujo” (in Spanish), a radio program about ornithology (min 4:25).

4 July 2020.
















Seminar (“The Chinijo archipelago through the study of seabirds”) to disseminate the natural values of the Chinijo Archipelago (Lanzarote, Canary Islands; in Spanish).

Organized by WWF Spain.

2 May 2020. 












Press-release about a round-table I participated in about the role of seabirds in the oceans as indicators of climate change, at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25; held in Madrid, Spain), and Organized by SEO/BirdLife.


December 2019.











Press-release about the role of seabirds in the oceans as indicators of climate change (in Spanish). Público.

November 2019.













Press-release about the threats of the Chinijo archipelago (in Spanish). El Diario.

August 2016.


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Captura de pantalla 2021-04-21 16.11.04.

Book review in the bibliographic section of Ardeola (in Spanish). 

Ardeola, 67(2) 433-447.

July 2020.













Article in National Geographic Spain (in Spanish). 

National Geographic. 

May 2020.













Compilation of 36 media contributions about the Bulwer's petrel monograph in Spanish and English.

November 2019.












Captura de pantalla 2021-04-21 16.39.24.
Captura de pantalla 2021-04-21 17.02.28.

Last update: November 2024

© 2021 by Marta Cruz Flpres

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